Why Men Pull Away is an empowering self-improvement relationship guide designed exclusively for women who have a difficult time keeping a relationship going. Every woman can relate to everything fine in the relationship and then – boom, suddenly the guy starts distancing himself. It leaves us wondering what the heck happened and in most cases, we have no idea. But here’s the thing ladies, men perceive things differently than the way we intend them. Unlike women, they typically don’t bring it up and instead, start to pull away. And if you can relate to this happening on repeat, it’s time to listen up. Why Men Pull Away helps women understand how men think, feel, act, and perceive different information. It guides you to reflect on your own approach, so you can understand how it may be causing bumps, roadblocks, and complete red lights within your relationships. Best of all, it provides you with new, expert techniques, perspective, and knowledge so you can create the love and relationship you want, without changing or hiding who you are.
What is Why Men Pull Away?
Recent studies show that the most common complaints are women always looking too far into the future, wanting them to change, using their emotions as weapons and that they fixate on what their guy is thinking. Now, the thing with these complaints is that this is how men perceived certain approaches or responses despite the women probably meaning something entirely different.
Why Men Pull Away is a powerful online program that helps remove these types of situations that commonly cause men to run in the opposite direction. It’s designed to help women understand how men think and feel, and why they do and say the things they do. This allows women to have the upper hand and take full control of their relationship.
With this program, you get the inside scoop on how men perceive different situations and responses. Then, it guides you to self-reflect on your own situation to see how it could have sent the wrong message and the guy pulling away. Then, you receive expert advice, techniques and guidance that allows you to tailor your approach to certain situations in a positive way to get the outcome you want.
But here’s the thing ladies; Why Men Pull Away is not about shaming you on how you deal with situations or act in a relationship. Instead, it is much more about empowering women with powerful information that helps them improve not only themselves, but also, their relationships. It isn’t about changing or hiding who you are, what you want or what you truly feel and want to say. It’s about learning healthy man-friendly ways to do all of these things to get the result you want.
As such, it’s a comprehensive program that covers a vast array of topics and situations that all women can relate to. It’s separated into four parts which are:
- Part One: Making Your Man User-Friendly: Understanding the Male Mind Before You Do Anything Else
- Part Two: How To Get Him To Focus On You By Giving Him What He Doesn’t Even Realize He Needs
- Part Three: Things That Drive Men Away
- Part Four: How To Bring Him Closer
You also receive access to four bonus programs for absolutely free, which are:
- Free Bonus #1: Communication Secrets For a Strong Long-Term Relationship
- Free Bonus #2: Interviews with Men
- Free Bonus #3: How to Reignite and Maintain Long-Term Attraction
All of this is available to you as soon as you purchase. So, if you feel like the guy you’re with is starting to pull away, you don’t have to wait to begin salvaging the relationship. If you’re single, you don’t have to wait to start conquering your love life and relationships. You just sign in and download the content right onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. This makes sure you have the powerful tips and techniques readily available at your fingertips wherever you go.
The program also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. So, if you aren’t sure making some simple changes to your approach can drastically change your relationships or you think that’s not the problem, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.
Who is the Creator of Why Men Pull Away?
Slade Shaw is the creator of Why Men Pull Away. He is an expert dating and relationship coach, and the owner of Meet Your Sweet, which is an online company that provides expert dating and relationship advice to both men and women.
Overview of the Why Men Pull Away Program
Why Men Pull Away is the ultimate program for women who can’t seem to figure out why guys start pulling away even when everything is seemingly going well. It’s a comprehensive system that gives you the inside scoop on how men think, act and feel, so you can tailor your approach to get what you want.
The program comes with expert advice that has been thoroughly researched and proven to be effective. None of the techniques you learn are manipulative either and you also learn how to self-reflect and develop new, healthier approaches within your relationship.
Throughput the system, you receive simple step-by-step instructions for actionable things you can do, self-reflection questions, activities, and more.
Here’s a sneak peek:
- Introduction: Why You’re Here
- The Palaeolithic Principle and The Dream Girl Factor
- Part One: Making Your Man User-Friendly: Understanding the Male Mind Before You Do Anything Else
- Commitment 101: What is Commitment, Anyway?
- If You Need Help Right Now
- What Do You Want From This Relationship?
- Exercise: Create 5 SMART Goals You Want From Your Partner
- Find Out What He Really Thinks: How to Talk to Him About Commitment, Closeness and Your Future Together
- Are Your Hopes for the Relationship Unreasonable?
- How to Tell When You’re on the Right Track
- Navigating the 5 Stages of Commitment: How to Get From “Hello” to “We’re Soulmates” in 5 Easy Steps
- Part Two: How to Give Him to Focus on You By Giving Him What He Doesn’t Even Realize He Needs
- What Makes a Man Fall In Love?
- “But My Guy Already Knows How Much I Love Him, and He’s Still Pulling Away!”
- 5 Ways to Talk to Him About Your Relationship to Keep Things Moving Forward
- Part Three: Things That Drive Men Away
- Nagging: Henpecking That Man Right Out Of Your Life
- Why Is He So Grumpy? Why Men Go Into “The Cave” and How to Bring Him Back Out
- Argue Like a Dreamgirl Instead of Fighting Like a Shrew
- Why Do Men Cheat? How To “Other-Woman-Proof” Your Own Relationship
- What If He’s a Work Addict?
- What He’s Secretly Afraid Of (That’s Making Him Pull Away)
- Part Four: How To Bring Him Closer
- What Makes a Man Start Thinking About Forever?
- Keeping the Relationship Thriving
- Works Cited
Our Verdict
Why Men Pull Away is a powerful program for women who want to learn how to improve themselves within a relationship. It provides women with the tools needed to self-reflect and see what may be sending guys running. The program is gentle, empowering and thorough, so women can feel good and confident navigating through different situations in a relationship. It comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee as well, so you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.